
Education Policy

We respect the dignity of nature and of humanity, and we seek to promote harmony between the Creator, oneself, all other human beings, and the entire creation through the wise and prudent utilization of professional knowledge of the sciences and the humanities. We recognize individual differences with respect to talents, character, capability, and background. We believe that full development of one’s potential signifies success.


We believe that education has broader goals than merely exploring knowledge and improving technology. Education is also a process of building character and searching for the meaning of life and oneself. We are convinced that love is the principal guiding force in education. We, teachers and students alike, pursue mutual growth through instruction by both words and deeds, in a spirit of love and respect for one another.


We respect academic freedom and autonomy, believing that knowledge produces understanding of the truth, and that this understanding makes people genuinely free. We believe that education through honest, diligent pursuit and practical experience is the best means of obtaining true knowledge.


We are proud of the University’s tradition of fearing God, loving our country, respecting one another’s work in a spirit of teamwork, and appreciating simplicity and sincerity.