The groundbreaking ceremony for the railway underground project in the “CYCU Station” section was held at 11:00 a.m. on September 4, attended by central and local government officials, as well as CYCU Chairman Chang Kwang-Jen and President Lee Ying-Ming. Chung Yuan Christian University will actively play the role of the largest public space in the area, embracing people-centered and innovative concepts to gradually realize the vision of a vibrant “University Town,” fostering the prosperity of education, industry, technology, and the local economy.
The groundbreaking and blessing ceremony for the Taoyuan Railway Underground Project’s “CYCU Station” was held at the planned station site with much fanfare. Chung Yuan Christian University President Lee Ying-Ming, Taoyuan City Mayor Chang Shan-Cheng, and Director-General of the Railway Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation, Yang Cheng-Chun, each delivered speeches sharing their expectations and visions for the new station. CYCU’s Civil Engineering Department Chair, Zhang De-Xin, led several faculty members in attendance. Notably, many members of the construction team involved in this project are alumni of CYCU’s Civil Engineering Department, including Railway Bureau Director-General Yang Cheng-Chun, Sinotech Vice President Ho Tai-Yuan, and AEC Vice Chairman Kao Tsung-Cheng, highlighting CYCU Civil Engineering’s significant contributions and influence in Taiwan’s engineering sector.
Director-General of the Railway Bureau, Yang Cheng-Chun, expressed that returning to the area near his alma mater, Chung Yuan Christian University, made this groundbreaking ceremony the most exciting and moving experience he has had among many he has attended. He extended special thanks to the Taoyuan City Government and local residents for their support of this major national transportation project and hopes for the project’s completion on schedule and with high quality. The future CYCU Station will provide superior railway transportation services, with completion expected by the end of 2030. Taoyuan City Mayor Chang Shan-Cheng hopes that in the coming years, the CYCU Station area will be developed into the most prominent and iconic region in Taoyuan City.
Chung Yuan Christian University President Lee Ying-Ming expressed his pleasure at having a station named after the university, CYCU Station. As early as the “CYCU 60” long-term plan, the university’s master plan was developed with CYCU Station at its center, extending the university’s development territory. Approaching the “CYCU 70” milestone next year, CYCU has already established multifunctional sports and technology parks in the new Zhongbei campus to actively serve the local community, creating a corridor of technology, humanities, and health. With over 16,000 students, the establishment of CYCU Station will not only provide faculty and students with more convenient transportation but also significantly impact the campus landscape. It is expected to transform the entrance imagery of CYCU, shaping a new vision for the university.
Lee Ying-Ming noted that once CYCU Station is operational, it will connect with the Taoyuan City Government’s Chung Yuan Cultural and Creative Park, the nearby Zhongli Industrial Zone, CYCU’s own science and technology parks, and the university’s abundant teaching and research resources. Coupled with the nearly 400 arts and cultural events hosted annually by CYCU, these connections will link bustling nearby commercial districts and densely populated communities. He believes this will foster the growth of a vibrant and healthy “University Town,” centered around CYCU Station and Chung Yuan Christian University.
Chung Yuan Christian University stated that CYCU Station will be adjacent to the new Zhongbei campus. The area leading from the station into the campus is lined with mature trees, offering valuable natural resources and an excellent spatial layout. The main concept for this area is to fully preserve the existing trees and use this lush forest park to embody the university’s image. The goal is to create an open campus space that is people-centered and in harmony with nature.